dilluns, 24 d’abril del 2017

Sant Jordi's day

Welcome back to school- our final term. I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break!
This week, we welcomed three new friends to put class. Andrés is 3 years old and he has settled in so well to the class routines and is happy to take part in all of the class activities. He especially loves spending time with the animals in the farm. Nico is 4 years old. He instantly impressed me with his level of English and the way in which he was so keen to get involved in all of the activities. It was great to see how quickly and confidently he settled into the class routines. Finally, we welcomed Sira, who is 8 years old. Sira instantly bonded with the children her age and has become a very popular member of the group. Sira has been very determined to speak English and has participated with the activities with such determination. It is lovely to welcome you all into the class.
It has been a short, 4 day week but we have managed to learn lots and have lots of fun.
The EYFS children (Kai, Luke, Sergi, Nico, Andrés, Ona, Cloe, Mark, Julien, Katie, Carla and Ivet) have continued to learn about the numbers 1-10. Kai has become really good at tracing the numbers and he was very confident when writing the numbers himself. His numbers are now becoming legible  and you can really see the numbers he has formed. The children have also continued to learn about shapes. Sergio has enjoyed the challenge of creating a shape booklet. As well as tracing each shape, Sergi enjoyed drawing each of the shapes himself and traced the name of each shape. He was even keen to write the title on his shape booklet by himself. When creating the shape booklet, Ivet has really improved her fine motor skills. She can now confidently use scissors and she was much more focused when colouring in the shapes. We will continue to work on this and will help her to develop the ability to colour within the lines.
In topic time the children have been learning about the three little pigs as a traditional story. Luke was very vocal and confident to talk about the story when talking about the different events and characters in the story. Mark has also developed more confidence to speak and he started to use English words when talking about the story. Cloe has also developed the confidence to speak more and she was very confident to answer questions about the story; independently explaining her answers in English.
Oasis is very proud of how much the children’s English is improving. She has been particularly impressed with the vocabulary Katie is using. She has returned to school, remembering and using vocabulary which she learnt in the previous term. Katie is able to use size and colour vocabulary correctly when asking for different materials, as she completes her activities.
All of the EYES children have settled back into  the routines really well. Oasis is really proud of Ona as she has behaved brilliantly this week; following instructions well and helping her friends with their activities. Julien has also come back to school with a great attitude. He has been really receptive to instructions and he has tried hard to help his friends.
Unfortunately, Carla wasn’t well this week. We missed seeing her and look forward to her being back next week.
The KS1 children (Jordi, Arlet, Marcel, Thais, Joana, Noa and Carla) have been working on time in maths. Jo was very impressed with Jordi, Arlet and Marcel as they were all able to identify and read the o clock and half past times, with confidence and independence. Our topic this week was traditional stories; focusing specifically on the story of the three little pigs. Nova, Thais and Moans enjoyed listening to the story and they became confident to recount the different parts of the story. The girls particularly enjoyed creating their own version of  the story. They all created fantastic book covers; showing the ideas they had for their own stories. They all worked hard to write a beginning for their story. They will continue to write their own middle and end of their stories next week.
Carla didn't  join us until Friday. We missed her and we were  happy to see her back.
The KS2 children (Judit, Blanca, Sara, Sofia, Pau, Sara2, Tatiana, Arnau, Sira and  Nil) have also been learning about time in maths. Blanca and Judit have been working hard on time related SAT’s presentation. They were initially quite nervous and were worried to make mistakes but when they both realised they could answer the questions confidently, they felt much better and happily completed the tests each day. It was great to see that each day the girls became more at ease and they began to finish the papers more quickly towards the end of the week. We will continue to work on SAT’s paper next week; focusing on checking their answers and showing their working out. When learning how to read the time, I was particularly impressed with Sira and Tatiana as they worked fantastically together to work out the times shown on each clock. They both listened carefully as I explained about the position and sizes of the hands on the clock. Towards the end of the week they had become more independent when reading the clock times. Arnau and Pau also worked really hard together to read the times. It  was great to see Arnau so motivated and keen to complete his work. I am really proud of the attitude he has towards his work. Pau did a great job of reading a TV schedule and working out how long each programme lasted for.
In topic, we have also been learning about the three little pigs. When writing a recount of  story we heard, I was particularly impressed with the effort which Sara put into her recount. She added lots of detail and was very keen to include each part of the story and write it s accurately as she could. Nil was also very good at recounting the events of the three little pigs story and he correctly included all of the events from the story. However, he found it more difficult to create his own version of the story. We will keep working on that next week.  When writing our own version of the story, Sofia did a fantastic job, changing different elements of the story to create her own story- ‘the three little mice’. It was great to see the understanding she had of the original story structure and the imagination she had when creating her own story. Sara2 also showed fantastic imagination when writing her story about three little chihuahuas. I am always so impressed with her range of vocabulary.  
On Friday, we had a lovely time at the park as part of our treat time. The children behaved very well and I was really impressed with how well they followed instructions from the teachers. We then spent the afternoon reading out our stories from our published book-24 little stories. I hope everyone enjoyed listening to the children’s stories. Thank you all for joining us to celebrate Sant Jordi’s day and a big thank you to Puri for making us cakes and fresh lemonade.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!